The FRA has built a warm professional relationship with the island of Trinidad, located in the between
the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Venezuela. The project has been named the
Trinidad Literacy
Connection – TLC. International Projects needs your help! The Trinidad Literacy Connection (TLC) is
FRA’s international project. This project only works through
your donations. FRA finds needy schools in You
and your councils can help by:
students come from low socioeconomic backgrounds and schools struggle to meet
the academic and social demands. Every little bit helps them to get a bit
closer to providing a quality education to their students. The current school we have identified is
in the town of Their wish list:
Let's get together and give them a FRA hand up!!!! In 2002 and 2003 FRA was able to host teachers at our annual conference in October. Here they were able to avail themselves of the multitudes of sessions available. They were saturated when they left and they were also able to take back many items. This was due to the generosity of individuals and the vendors at the conference. This year plans are well on the way for our Trinidad attendees of the FRA Conference in October. In 2002, 2003, and 2004 barrels of school related materials were shipped to Trinidad where the items were distributed to different schools. The massive job includes receiving the barrels from customs, hiring a truck for transportation, paying for customs charges, and then getting the barrels to their destination where they are sorted and the contents distributed to schools. Thus far six different schools have benefited from the project. Items, barrels and shipping costs have been generously donated by local councils, businesses, vendors at the conference, and individuals. If you are interested in supporting this project you may e-mail Sherida Weaver at sheridaw@hotmail.com .