Lesson Plan, Resources, and Extension Activities for
By Margarita Engle & David Walker
FRA Lesson Plan for “Tiny Rabbit’s Big Wish” Quick print & use lesson plan includes Florida State Standards, Reading Content Focus, Vocabulary, Essential Questions, Activating Prior Knowledge, Guiding Questions, Guided Practice, Independent Work, Extension Activities, Assessment, and MORE! |
Margarita Engle’s Website: http://www.margaritaengle.com/index.html Learn more about author Margarita Engle. Includes video interviews, information on her children’s and YA books, and more! |
David Walker’s Website: http://www.davidwalkerstudios.com Learn more about illustrator David Walker. Complete with a gallery, artist info, and contact information if your class wants to send him letters and their own drawings. |
Interview with Margarita Engle: http://yareview.net/2014/04/interview-with-margarita-engle/ Learn more about this author’s writing process, her books, and more in this Q&A interview. |
Positive Adjectives: http://www.words-to-use.com/words/kids/ Find something nice to say! Use this list to help your students identify positive adjectives that describe themselves and others. |
Adjectives Game: http://www.turtlediary.com/grade-1-games/ela-games/describing-pictures.html This fun game teaches adjectives using pictures and simple sentences. Includes the option of having the sentence read aloud. |
Picture Books on Self Esteem: http://childrensbooksguide.com/self-esteem Tiny Rabbit learns to appreciate what makes him different. Check out these other great picture books that help students recognize their own greatness! |
A Pep Talk from Kid President to You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o&list=PLIgI_dZ-zm6Ll_FGQRgctv6VT17m0OU4O Want to make the world a better place? Make it happen! Watch this inspirational 3.5-minute video with your kids, and make the world dance! |
Setting Goals: http://kiwaniskids.org/en/TerrificKids/Resources/Setting_goals.aspx Want to help your kids set positive goals? This Kiwanis site provides ideas, presentations, print outs, and more! |
Rabbits vs. Hares: http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-rabbits/ Is Tiny Rabbit really a rabbit, or is he a hare? Explore the answer to this question on this site which includes quick facts, pictures, and a short video. |
Why Rabbits Have Long Ears: Native American Tale: http://www.firstpeople.us/FP-Html-Legends/How_Rabbit_Got_His_Long_Ears-Micmac.html Ever wonder how rabbits got their long ears? This Micmac legend tells of a mischievous rabbit and how his ears grew long. |
Extension Activity: Talk about adjectives and how they are used to describe someone or something. Go through the book together and identify the different adjectives that tiny rabbit uses. Help students brainstorm a list of adjectives that might describe them. Using the list created, have students draw and color a picture of themselves that use the adjectives they feel best describe them. Label their picture with these adjectives. |
Extension Activity: Combine this story with other picture books where the characters wish to be someone or something different. For example: Tommy the Wishing Turtle by Tom Colosi, The Wish Trees by Andrea Koehle Jones, and I Wish I Were a Monkey by Dan Jackson. |
Extension Activity: Setting Goals: What do your students wish for? Help your kids set an obtainable goal for themselves and have them draw a picture of what it will look like when they’ve reached that goal. |